is gastroenteritis contagious through kissing

Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) - Health Information Library.
Viral gastroenteritis -
How contagious is gastroenteritis -
Viral Gastroenteritis definitions | Quizlet.
May 15, 2012. Usually, stomach flu contagious is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea resulting in. Kissing has been found as one of the culprits of the deadly stomach flu. till up to 2 weeks of being infected by norovirus gastroenteritis.
Aug 26, 2011. You can't catch a cold from a dog, and you're way more likely to get sick. Cases of viral gastroenteritis due to norovirus can be seen throughout the year.. parents do not know that the virus is passed through saliva or feces.
Dec 8, 2008. How it spreads: Norovirus is spread via the fecal-oral route through contaminated foods and water.. grows in the small intestines of infected people, but why it causes symptoms of gastroenteritis is unclear.. Kiss of Death.
Gastroenteritis, more commonly known as the stomach flu, can leave you sick for several. Avoid unnecessary hugs, kisses, or handshakes.. This will prevent germs from getting on your hand, where they're more likely to be spread around.
Jul 13, 2011. Norovirus is a major cause of acute gastroenteritis in humans.. Stool and saliva samples were obtained from six infected individuals.. The infection of pigs by strain HS206 suggests that interspecies transmission of this.
The Stomach Flu from kissing? - Yahoo! Answers.
But the virus is NOT transmitted through saliva) 10. Number 6, above, applies similarly to sharing cups or utensils with someone as well.
yes. yes.its Viral and can be passed though the exchange of.
Is there any gastrointestinal viruses that dogs can spread to humans?
May 15, 2012. Usually, stomach flu contagious is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea resulting in. Kissing has been found as one of the culprits of the deadly stomach flu. till up to 2 weeks of being infected by norovirus gastroenteritis.
Aug 26, 2011. You can't catch a cold from a dog, and you're way more likely to get sick. Cases of viral gastroenteritis due to norovirus can be seen throughout the year.. parents do not know that the virus is passed through saliva or feces.
Dec 8, 2008. How it spreads: Norovirus is spread via the fecal-oral route through contaminated foods and water.. grows in the small intestines of infected people, but why it causes symptoms of gastroenteritis is unclear.. Kiss of Death.
Norovirus - What is the Norovirus - Infectious Diseases -

Gastroenteritis is caused by swallowing one of these viruses.. The virus can be spread by direct contact with an infected person (for example, kissing or.
Nov 5, 2012. Gastroenteritis (otherwise known as "the stomach flu") is one that. It is spread through "fecal-oral" contamination only. Contrary to myth, this virus cannot be spread through just sharing food or drinks or even through kissing.
The stomach flu, or viral gastroenteritis, is contracted by.
The virus can be spread by direct contact with an infected person. For example, you might get it by kissing or shaking hands or by sharing food, drink, or eating.